Hibiscus Helping Hands

First and foremost we began mainly as a feeding scheme to the many families on our coast that through circumstances beyond their control need our
assistance. Our main area stretches from Hibberdene to as far as Port Edward.
We seem to have grown enormously from an organisation that assisted with food to what Hibiscus Helping Hands has become today. A registered NPO offering as much as we can to the public at large who really need us. Without our assistance, these families would not be able to clothe and indeed feed their families.
These days we can be seen collecting furniture, bedding, clothing and anything else that is offered to us. It’s hard to comprehend that there are families without basic furniture.
We also run a stationery drive to assist children at the start of the school year and collect school uniforms which are in big demand from those families who are in need.
Our “Drive” is strong when we see children suffer through no fault of their own. We thoroughly check backgrounds and determine exactly how we can help, and yes, we have refused assistance in the past for various reasons all of which are legitimate at the time of assessment. We have as big a responsibility to our donors as to the community to whom we offer assistance.
Very often we are given luxury items which we sell to generate income to purchase food hampers
We thank our sponsors and donors on our FB page because we deeply value their support and could not accomplish our goals without them.
NOTE that there are many givers on the coast who wish to remain anonymous and we respect their privacy.


Pledge here :

Hibiscus Helping Hands Business Account

First National Bank


Oribi Plaza